Ok, this is the first time I have ever sewn a Kwik Sew. I must admit the name fits well. I was at first a bit timid but I quickly got over that. Being time to go back to school and I have this awesome talent that I have been blessed with, I took some initiation into my own hands and made a polo for my youngest son. In the stores they can range from about $32 to $8 (if they are on a good sale). I really like this pattern and plan on making one in green just like this one. I bought the fabric from my now favorite online fabric store http://www.fabric.com/. Without all the mouthing off (good for nothign typing [talking]), I'll now give you the pictures. After you read the review.
Pattern Description: Men's shirt and shorts
Pattern Sizing: All in one from small to xxlarge. I cut the size small because my son has the height of King Kong and the weight of JJ Evans...On Good Times. (Google it)
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Oh yes. Just don't take a close look at the collar! lol
Were the instructions easy to follow? YEAP and I got worked up for nothing! Ha! This pattern lived up to its name...
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I loved EVERYTHING! So that leaves nothing to dislike.
Fabric Used: I think it was a golf knit (from the website) btu what ever that is from the list of choices....
Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: I cut off 2 and 1/2 inches from the hem because even though my son is tall he's not in the sky yet. The seams were supposed to be sewn at 1/4 but I sewd (sp) at 5/8 to kind of bring down the size for to fit my string bean. Oh yeah the shorts are sewn at 5/8.
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Yes, I plan on doing it in a green just like the red but my sone wants me to flip the stripe but the stretch doesn't go that way. But ummm I bought 3 or 4 yards at 1.95 of each color so I'll try it and see if it works. Yes, I recommend.
Conclusion: Great great pattern and outcome.