This is a goal that I want to accomplish. I plan to have these pieces eventually added to my closet as a celebration to my upcoming college graduation. I will officially have my BA degree in Healthcare Management. This is an addition to my AAS degree in Medical Assisting. Go, Me! I will need a new wardrobe to accentuate my new leaf in life. I will of course still chase my other dreams [and catch them] to sew for profit, a little acting silly, home stage decorating…the list can go on. I am in no time frame. I will also be working to make better fitting and tailored garments. So, with all that said…
The 10 Essential pieces as stated by Tim Gunn, are supposed to be the basic building blocks of a great wardrobe. So, what are these ten classic elements? The basic blouse, great skirt, dress pants, day dress and LBD are a few to name.
I am always making plans in the air to do something spectacular for myself and my wardrobe. This may not be any different. But I am still going to give it a stab.
Going down the list, or going the most appropriate way possible, I plan to make my wardrobe more effective and flexible – and make it work.
Here’s what I have (and I am trying to use what patterns I already have in stock because my husband swears every time he walks in the space he thinks he’s Hancock, LOL):
1. The basic black dress, (LBD) – How about 2? One above the knee and one just below the knee. I have:
Butterick 5674
Vogue 2899 A Guy Laroche design
2. Trench coat – Now, I have several coat patterns sitting in the stash and it’s about time I get to them. I’m choosing only one here!
McCall’s 5525 the basic trench
Simplicity 2508
3. Dress pants – Let’s see here. I have a multitude of pants patterns but do they fit the bill of dress pants? I chose two, again, and then will choose one of those. This is what I came up with.
Vogue 8751 McCall’s OOP 5710
4. The classic shirt. A white button-down, never-goes-out-of-style shirt. For me, I think it should look good tucked in, left out, or belted. I have several patterns that I need to go ahead and make. So, this will have to take some thinking on. Here’s a few that’s in the stash already.
5929 – I would take the pouf out of the sleeve.
M6076 – Good start with the Long sleeve version.
Butterick 4659 – I like the white and dark pink versions. Thinking how the sleeves would look peeking from a blazer’s sleeve.
5. Jeans. Not just any pair of jeans. These jeans must fit, flatter and facilitate the body and the booty. So, I can’t have just any pair of jeans. Now, we all know about the infamous Jalie Jean pattern. It produces a nice pair of jeans and as with any pattern, they can be made “yours”. So, they are high on the option list along with J. Stern’s jean pattern.
Great pattern.
Great pattern, too. This may be the winner. I wear these more than the Jalie.
6. Next, is the any occasion top. Hmmm. So, this top is supposed to take you from day time work to night time party without skipping a beat. It has to be able to look respectable under a jacket and be the life of the party. I have never tried an asymmetrical top under a jacket before, but there is always a first for everything.
M6118 in a metallic knit? Not an everyday trick but I would definitely try this under a jacket. Shed the jacket and throw on some skinnies and wedges (or keep my heels on) and have a Peña Colada.
M6034 I made one in a black sparkly slinky knit. This would look decent under a jacket and sexy for a night out with the girls.
B5497 was the first top I thought of when reading the requirements for the any occasion top. Looks good under the jacket. Take of the jacket and it’s sexy at the party. The back draws the eyes. I also made this for my birthday top. And those jeans I have on with it are the J. Stern’s.
7. Skirt. If you need pants then you need a skirt. Gunn says it can be flirty or business like. I say why not have it to be able to coordinate with any of the aforementioned top pieces. A few that comes to mind are
M5523 I think it is possible. Even possible to be worn with the off-shoulder up top.
My all time favorite and TNT!
8. The day dress. Umm. I’m thinking. So, the purpose of the day dress is to what? Go grocery shopping and run errands? Wash clothes and clean toilets? Or keep it clean hiding behind an apron whilst cooking your family’s favorite meal? Wait, no! It’s to be worn while riding the mower and washing the car! Ok, got it. It is for last minute lunch options with your bored-to-death-girlfriend-because-she-is-always-talking-about-her-dead-beat-boyfriends! Ok, I think I nailed it. So, what’s on that list? I don’t know yet. I’ll have to come back. (But if you have any suggestions, let me know.)
9. Jacket. Boy, oh, boy. The jacket. I have made a few jackets during my sewing journey and only one came out worth keeping. The last one, I liked it but it just was not right. It has been given away…the whole outfit! I vowed not to visit that pattern again – but I’m no punk!! So guess what? I’m going to do that jacket again! It’s the only choice for this category.
I actually mailed this pattern to another seamstress. Decided I would give it another try and went back and bought it. So, I will see how this goes.
10. A sweat suit alternative? Well, well, well. I’m not quite sure if I want an alternative to my sweat suits. And what would that be anyway? Tim says we usually end up looking like slobs in our sweat suits. He just may be on to something there. Here is what he suggests: Find a comfortable material (that's why this doesn't say jeans again – denim is not as comfortable as a nice soft cotton) that you would want to wear every day. It could be khakis, cords, a cotton dress, or much more. Ok, I was doing ok until he said much more. That left the gate open again. If, I am comprehending this thing correct, maybe the next few patterns fit the bill.
Vogue 2064 – A pattern I have been “making” since it came out.
B5651 – I like the look with the black top layered with the white tank.
Another pattern that’s been in the “making” stage. In the same color, too (with paisley). I actually took it back out Dec 30th so I can get it off the table. This may be the first ‘done’ piece. First done: Take a look.
And just when you thought it was done, there is one more piece. Tim calls it the “one indulgent trendy item”. Now, there is no descript for this piece – nothing. So, I am left to believe that I can do whatever I choose. But what will it ever be? I mean, I have not one clue. I did, however, go through the stash of patterns to see what was trendy; what was indulgent. I found quite a few, these are just two…there are more. I just don’t want to overwhelm myself with choices right now.
Vogue 1211

McCall’s 6404
I got to thinking and thought, “Hey, how about making a simple piece trendy?” Cool. So, I think I can make one of these patterns into an indulgent item.

B4800 or M6359
Nevermind. Thought gone wrong.
Well, this is Part 1 of the 10 Essential Wardrobe Pieces.
Until later, Schey.