Will you get color blocked?
From looking at the fashion icons, one can tell that color blocking is a wanted look. But do you have the guts to do it?
![color-blocking-trend[1] color-blocking-trend[1]](http://lh6.ggpht.com/-C6p2DFQp7sc/TmNVQBXianI/AAAAAAAABqI/yd6HnT0WEI8/color-blocking-trend%25255B1%25255D_thumb%25255B5%25255D.png?imgmax=800)
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Photo taken from
Or do you think the clown in you will finally show up?

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Well, color-blocking does not require a degree nor does it take any deep thinking. Just do what I done and search sites and other sewers. In my case, I happen to just traipse along in blog city and ran into
Erica B. (Well, really I just about live on her site waiting for the next great item she’ll post.)
So, I used what I had (read: stash) to make what I wanted. I had Simplicity 2315 for a long time and used it for the bottom color in which I made hot pink.
Description: Misses’ petite skirt in two lengths and slim pants. Originally I was supposed to make the pants but I made the shorter of the skirts.
Sizes: Comes in 6 to 22. I made the 16.
Did it look like the photo or drawing once done? Yes, except for my omissions.
Were the instructions easy to follow? No instructions needed. I have gotten to the point where the basic items have basic construction and if you have made one then you’ve pretty much made the rest.
What did you like or dislike about the pattern? I don’t quite remember if I have ever made a lapped vented skirt but I like it. There are really no dislikes but if it’s made again, I’ll probably line it.
Fabric used? Again, this came from the stash and I am not sure if it was the linen blend or the twill. It is not as light as linen nor is it as some twill. If I had to choose, maybe I’d say medium weight twill. If there is such a thing. I ran into at Hancock a while back for $1.49 a yard.
Alterations or design changes? 1. I left of the tabs or ties. 2. Instead of the lapped zipper, I put in a regular zip. I just couldn’t get to to lap right. So, that’s another try for another project. For right now, I was going for quick and easy. I ripped it once, put in a regular zip and kept it moving.
Would I sew again? or recommend? Yes, I may and yes, I do.
For the top I used McCall’s 5661. I made it in orange.
Description: A Palmer Pletsch Perfect Fit Misses’ Top and Belt. I made the pink top, view B.
Sizes: 8 to 24. I made the 14 but could have made 12. I wanted to be safe because my fabric had just slight of stretch being it is a crinkle.
Did it look like the photo or drawing once done? Yes.
Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes, if you have sewn a PP pattern before. Once you get past the fitting tips (which I ignored because again, I was going for quick), everything was ok. But then again, I really only used them for the facing pieces.
What I liked and disliked about this pattern? Well, I am still not sure if I like it or not. I bought the pattern on a whim because of the green view. After I got it home I realized: 1. It’s not a stretch, and 2. There are buttons in the back. **blink, blink**. So, I decided to go ahead and give it a try since I had spent money on it and it was just sitting collecting dust. I can tell you now, if you are not at all double jointed or some circus limbo, please have a third and fourth hand nearby to help you in and out of this thing. I like the fitting tips and IF it is decided it’s worth sewing again I would take the time to use them. The back is awfully long for me and I need to taper that part to my sway.
Fabric used? I used a crinkle (possibly poly/cotton) also from Hancock’s. It was originally $3 something, it was on sale for $1.49 (or at least that’s what the sticker said), went to have it cut and found out it cheaper than that. I paid .49 a yard for it. “Good give me five yards.” Now I can get my niece’s sundress made and send it to her before the Oklahoma weather starts to change.
Any alterations? Nope, none.
Would I sew it again? (And this said with slow hesitation between each word) I don’t know.
Do I recommend? At this point I can not recommend anything I am unsure of.

Top in and out- black belt.

Change of accessories- green belt.
The note about the pink and orange earrings: My 12 year old son was the photographer. When he saw the earrings up close, do you know he had nerve to ask me what kind of earrings I had on. “Ma, they look like fish bait.” Could you say back back 50 feet because boy you 'bout to get it!

The earrings.
The fish bait (lures).

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Well, I guess he was right. :/ I found these while googling for feather fish bait photos.

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Until later everyone, Schey.